Monday, June 25, 2007

Triggers and Fears

I am trying to get down as much of this information I have been writing in my personal journal on here as I can. So what are my triggers really? Sometimes it seems like my life is just one big smoking trigger, it is not like I ever really needed a reason to smoke. What I have always been needing is a reason not to smoke. But in really looking at my smoking there are certainly some things (okay many things) that make me want to smoke more than others... in no particular order they would be...
  • Bored
  • Driving
  • After Meals
  • At the Bar
  • On the Phone
  • Reward - After completed task like cleaning the house etc.
  • Relaxing - On computer or after work etc.
  • Strong Emotions - esp when I am angry/frustrated or tense from work.
  • Playing Cards
  • Other Smokers
It was also suggested that I think about what I am afraid of when it comes to quitting.. there are so many things there though and they are all pretty deep seated and hard to figure out.. I just know they can get overwhelming. I have a feeling most of my posts are going to basically come down to what my fears are. The biggest one though... is that I will fail. That by trying to quit I open myself up to failing to quit and I can't explain or rationalize that away. I can't allow myself to fail in this.

I admit there is also a small fear that quitting smoking won't make a difference and I won't feel any better but I am fairly certain that is just my evil little addictive nicodemon talking. It is trying really hard to cling on for dear life... and it is really past time for it to die already.


JaneDoughnut said...

I fancy myself a writer. I've found it next to impossible to concentrate on anything creative since I quit smoking. Sitting at the computer is a HUGE trigger. Switching to pen and paper helps a bit, because a pen between my teeth is a lot more satisfying to me than a stick of gum.

Thanks for passing by, and good luck to you! If you WANT to quit, you can. The Chantix makes it a lot easier.

The Wanderer said...

Wow. You are writing my addiction. We are similar smokers. And my fear of failing to quit is a double-edged sword. It kept me from trying for years. But it may be what gets me through quitting in the end. I hope. *gulp*

But I never realized that until reading your post!

Lakasha said...

Yeah... fear is a funny thing isn't it. I know exactly what you are saying Danielle.