Thursday, June 21, 2007

First Pill Down... Yay!!

So back from lunch break having taken my first Chantix pill, not sure if it is all in my head or what but I am not feeling quite right. A bit dizzy and disoriented, felt a little nasuea right when I took it even though I did eat something. As my sister pointed out to me the eating alone may help me become more healthy which is my main reason for quitting smoking.

I have been a smoker for a very long time, going on 23 years now but I actually don't smoke a lot, I wonder if maybe that would account for how odd I feel right now. I didn't notice many others mentioning feeling like this but haven't read everything there is to read.


maggie said...

I felt a little fuzzy that first day, too. Hang in there! I'm on my 16th day taking Chantix and 4th day not smoking (yes, longer than instructed - I've blogged my thinking and experience during that process), and so far, this is way easier than any other one of my numerous attempts to quit. It's still not a walk in the park for me, but it's also not the usual craving hell. Best of luck to you!!

Lakasha said...

Thanks for the good wishes Maggie :)