Thursday, June 28, 2007

Check-In Day 8!! Quit Day

And still not smoking. I picked up my house a bit just now and when I finished had a pretty intense craving for a smoke but I grabbed my trusty bottle of water, my chewed up favorite straw and sat to type this instead. I imagine for the next couple days I will be writing a lot of very short check-in type posts. These are mostly just to do something else for those few minutes when the cravings are there.


Marcus said...

I'm jealous. I'm on day 8 but still smoking. I'm shooting for 12 or 15

maggie said...

Awesome, Lakasha! Even though other days can still be tough (eventually easier, though), for me that first day is such a huge milestone. If I can do one day, then one day at a time I know that I am capable of doing any other day. I'm so thrilled for you! Post all you want - sitting and writing helped me tons and gave me something to do with my hands, too. Besides, I love to read how you are doing. Congrats on your first day! If you don't stay up until sunrise, you're almost done with day one :)

Konstantin said...

I totally agree with Maggie. Day 1 is crucial. You're not only fighting the cravings, but your mind is already learning new routines. The wheels are spinning full speed!

Lakasha said...

Yeah.. it is strange what this medicine can do to help with the cravings. I definetly feel the pull of wanting to smoke at certain times but it passes fairly quickly. Thus far I am feeling pretty damn good.

The Wanderer said...

Hooray! So happy for you!