Friday, June 29, 2007

Day 9 - I Made it through Day 1

For the first time in 24 years I have made it through an entire day without smoking a single cigarette if I didn't know it was true... I would assume I was lying.

I am awed that I was able to do it. I am not even entirely sure you could call those times when I feel like smoking cravings. It is more like this weird feeling that I am missing or forgetting something. Like when I left for work this morning. It is also really strange to not check to make sure I have smokes and a lighter before leaving the house. To not have them in my purse.

I am sure that things could potentially get much much harder but to be honest right now I seriously could not be happier. Everytime I think I want to smoke now I can just remind myself that I really can go a full day without smoking.. that I am indeed not going to DIE... if I don't have a cigarette..................... and that in fact if I do have one I have only made myself that much more unhealthy and that much closer to death.


Konstantin said...

Whoa, nice!

If this is your first day in 24 years, there'll be MANY, MANY more happy realizations about the little things that are so wonderful about not smoking and are different now for you!

I think it's great that you do consider that you still have some fighting ahead of you, but at the same time, please don't stress out too, too much. It's really not a rocket science. If you get a craving, you deal with, it's gone, you're happy again!

It's like finding a perfect balance between being realistic in the now and looking optimistically into the future.

I'm so, so, so excited for you. You sounded like such a hardcore smoker, and you were so scared! It's so awesome to see you getting empowered and seeing what you can achieve!

maggie said...

Yay, Lakasha! You are a star. I'm so thrilled for you. Ditto everything in Stan's comment. Now that you've done it a day, you know that it *is* absolutely possible for you to do this. There are still some rugged patches ahead, but now you have proved to yourself that you can get through them to the other side. Eventually it will get easier, too. In the meantime, mine quit has been a mixed bag of sometimes still missing it and taking lots of deep breaths while at the same time marveling at how incredible and wonderful this is.

I'm rambling, but I am just so very excited for you! I look forward to hearing how the rest of your day goes.

Lakasha said...

Ohh I am sure in some ways I will always miss smoking. It has been such a huge part of my life. It is like I said in some other post somewhere about my ex-boyfriend. I still love him to death in many ways and miss him and dream about him etc.. but he wasn't good for me and that relationship needed to end just like my relationship with cigarettes needs to end.

I do not want to be in a relationship with anyone/thing that is not going to be good for me and help me grow.

The Wanderer said...

Let me see here... just checking my list... yes. Yes, I can see that you are indeed a rock star now. Congratulations.

Just reading these successes gets me thinking about setting a new quit day. And I'm still taking the effing Chantix, so that's something.

Lakasha said...

Like I said you can do this Danielle.. this is a nasty frickin habit to kick. When you are ready to set a new quit date let us all know when it is and believe me I will be there 100% to support you. I could not have done this without the support of everyone who is posting to my blog and all those who are allowing me to read through their journeys with quitting.

I was just talking to my friend this morning about how things are going as she is considering taking Chantix and quitting..

It is bizarre to realize just how much of my day has always been used for either smoking or preparing for smoking etc. This morning I checked my purse to make sure I had my smokes with me before heading to work.. I didn't of course but still it feels as though I am leaving a part of my LIFE behind; and the reality is that I am.

maggie said...

Funny, Lakasha, my purse seems empty, too. That one old habit feeling is still there, but now it just kind of makes me laugh at my silly mind.