Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Smoking Triggers

Been fairly busy at work today and trying to at least post a few encouraging words over at the quit smoking forums.

There have been a couple of rough patches through out the day but overall I am feeling better today than I did yesterday. I seem to be hungry all the time right now :(

I know it is just that empty missing something feeling but I need to be careful not to eat the equivalent of 20 tons of food everyday.

Anyhow.. On Day 4 of the New Chantix Get Quit program they recommend people make a list of their triggers so I did my best to come up with all of mine.. and there are many, as I said last quit “sometimes it seems like my life is just one big smoking trigger, it is not like I ever really needed a reason to smoke. What I have always been needing is a reason not to smoke” Well it seems now I have that reason.

If I really look at my smoking there are certainly some things (okay many things) that make me want to smoke more than others... in no particular order they would be...
· First thing in the morning
· Bored
· Leaving work
· Driving
· After Meals
· At the Bar
· On the Phone
· Relaxing - On computer or after work etc.
· Strong Emotions - esp when I am angry/frustrated or tense.
· Playing Cards
· Other Smokers
· Reward - After completed task like cleaning the house etc.

The Reward thing seems to be a huge one and one that is hard for me to get past. I actually managed to convince myself at some point that since I have been smoke free for 3 days I deserved a cigarrete, fortunately I saw the nico-demons lies for what they were.. but wow that was tempting.

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Bill said...
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